
Cycling Tourism in Versilia

28 March 2024

If you are passionate about cycling tourism, you have found a territory rich in opportunities for your passion here with us!

Cycling is a much-loved and practiced sport in Versilia, and the geographical conformation of the territory allows for varied itineraries from the sea to the hills to the beautiful Apuan Alps, which are unparalleled in Italy. There are three international-level competitions that take place in these parts: in addition to the Giro d’Italia (which often includes a stage here), there is also the Gran Premio Città di Camaiore, the Gran Fondo Della Versilia, and the Tirreno Adriatico, which are internationally renowned cycling events.

As an example, here are 5 cycling routes, always recommending to verify their feasibility and to be accompanied by experienced guides (ask us for information on our guides!) both for those that include dirt roads and mountain trails and if you are less experienced in the area.

  • CYCLING TOURISM ROUTE 1: Marina di Pietrasanta – Viareggio – Torre del Lago – Marina di Vecchiano – Bocca del Serchio

28 kilometers of simple naturalistic route, all on flat terrain on asphalt, cycle path, and dirt road. Starting from Viareggio, it’s 20 kilometers. Possibility to reach Torre del Lago Puccini.

Start from the pier of Marina di Pietrasanta and follow the entire promenade on the cycle path that leads to Viareggio, passing through the localities of Motrone, Focette, and Lido di Camaiore. At the end of Lido di Camaiore, you’ll find the Fossa dell’Abate canal and cross it over a small bridge, then continue on the cycle path along the Viareggio promenade (3 km). The cycle path ends at the Burlamacca canal, beyond which you can see yachts and shipyards.

Turn left onto Via R. Pilo, reach a roundabout, take the first exit, and cross the bridge over the canal: you’re on Via Oberdan. Continue to the traffic light and, going straight ahead, you’ll find yourself on Viale dei Tigli, which will lead you to Torre del Lago. Ride along Viale dei Tigli through the Levante Pinewood, part of the Macchia Lucchese, one of the 7 estates of the “Parco naturale di Migliarino, San Rossore e Massaciuccoli” (Natural Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, and Massaciuccoli). The cycle path remains on the right for the entire length of the Viale. Halfway along the Viale, you’ll see the entrance and the park of Villa Borbone, built in 1850 by Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchess of Lucca. After 5.3 kilometers, follow the cycle path that turns right along Viale Kennedy towards Marina di Torre del Lago Puccini. After the cycle path ends, 300 meters before the roundabout at Marina, you need to cross the avenue and take a fairly wide dirt road on the left leading to Marina di Vecchiano (after 4 km). From here on, you’ll be amidst the pine forest between dunes and lush vegetation. A small wooden roundabout marks the center of Marina di Vecchiano: informative signs about the vegetation and animals inhabiting the Pinewood can be found here. You’ll also be at the border of the Tenuta del Duca Salviati, a private property of about 3000 hectares, which extends from the interior to the coast. Taking the paved road in front of the roundabout, you can immerse yourself in a typical Tuscan landscape where cultivated fields alternate with ornamental plantations. Alternatively, continuing on the dirt road, you’ll reach the mouth of the Serchio River after a few kilometers. When you return, upon reaching Viale Kennedy, instead of turning right to return to Viale dei Tigli, you can continue straight ahead for a few kilometers to Marina di Torre del Lago, where you’ll find restaurants and private beaches during the day, nightclubs, and lively nightlife (including LGTB). Back on Viale Kennedy, before returning to Viareggio, you can also decide to continue straight on Viale Marconi and then on Viale G. Puccini and, after passing through the center of the village of Torre del Lago, reach the shores of Lake Massaciuccoli. Here you’ll find, and can visit, the Villa di Puccini and also the “Gran Teatro all’Aperto,” which hosts the famous Puccini Festival in the summer, the most important opera festival in Italy.


  • CYCLING TOURISM ROUTE 2: on the hills of Pietrasanta

Easy 12 km route suitable for mountain biking

From the center of the town of Pietrasanta, head towards Seravezza, and upon reaching Vallecchia, take a right onto an uphill road towards Solaio and Vitoio. Avoid a left turn towards Castello, and after about 1.5 km, near an old unused washhouse, take a very steep right turn (marked by red arrows along the path), which alternates between dirt and asphalt, ending near a dwelling. From this point, follow an extremely steep path with the bike in hand, which, in about 10 minutes, emerges at the top of the hill (locality Villa il Colle) at 298 meters above sea level (4.5 km traveled). Then, turn left and take a narrow asphalt road, which soon merges (with a sharp bend) onto the road from Pietrasanta to Capriglia. Follow this road, slightly uphill, which continues to ascend for about 1 km even after the village, while descending towards the village of Capezzano Monte. The road descends with numerous switchbacks through olive groves and reaches, after about 5 km, the town of Pietrasanta, the starting point of the itinerary. If desired, from Capezzano Monte, you can return to Pietrasanta via a dirt road (second left turn after passing the cemetery of Capezzano Monte), which reaches the plain near the Romanesque Parish Church of S. Giovanni and S.ta Felicita. This dirt road, initially flat, then descends more steeply through olive groves in a southerly direction, eventually becoming a trail in the final stretch before the road.


  • CYCLING TOURISM ROUTE 3: from Marina di Pietrasanta to Marina di Massa

The route starts in front of the pier of Marina di Pietrasanta on the cycle path.

Continue towards Forte dei Marmi, remaining on the seafront cycle path, until you reach the Pier of Forte dei Marmi. Continue and cross Vittoria Apuana, the last fraction of Versilia, then Poveromo and Ronchi, until you reach Marina di Massa and its Pier, always on the seafront cycle path.

Here, for the more trained, it is possible to continue to Marina di Carrara, Marinella di Sarzana, Fiumaretta, and Bocca di Magra, towards Montemarcello (SP) for another 19 km, even reaching Lerici (another 8 km from Montemarcello).

From Marina di Massa, the cycle path ends, and you can continue on a normal road, and starting from Bocca di Magra, although the scenic road mostly follows the sea, it is a hilly route: the landscape is stunning, but the route definitely has a higher level of difficulty.

  • CYCLING ROUTE 4:From S. Anna di Stazzema to Capezzano Monte

A medium-difficulty route that winds along the slopes of Mount Gabberi for 21.5 km in the mountains and partly on dirt roads/mountain trails, suitable for mountain biking. There’s an option for a shorter variation towards Camaiore for a total of 6.8 km.

From Pietrasanta, take Via Sarzanese towards Capezzano Pianore; after 2.5 km, you’ll reach a newly constructed roundabout, turn left following the signs for Monteriggioni-Sant’Anna di Stazzema. After a steep 2.5 km climb, you’ll arrive at Monteriggioni and continue through a steep path towards La Culla. The landscape begins to offer panoramic views.

You can opt for a slightly easier but very scenic route by instead heading towards Montebello at the fork, towards Camaiore for 3.3 km. From here, you’ll traverse the slopes of Mount Gabberi and see the entire Camaiore valley; the road is fully paved and in many places has been recently asphalted, alternating uphill and downhill sections.

Alternatively, if you continue towards La Culla, you’ll arrive after about 16 km at the village of Sant’Anna di Stazzema, located at 650 meters above sea level. Here, after the cemetery, you’ll find the monument to the victims of the Nazi massacre, for which the village is sadly known. Continuing, follow the red arrows uphill leading to a downhill dirt road on the left. At this point, follow the signs for trail No. 3 of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) until you reach the end of the road in the locality of Argentiera.

Then, continuing on foot, turn left. After passing a rocky section where caution is required, ascend towards the locality of Case Zuffoni. Afterward, the road becomes easier, and you can reach Capezzano Monte (343 meters above sea level). Following trail No. 3 of the CAI, you’ll enter a path and then onto a dirt road crossing the village of Capezzano Monte until you reach the church. From here, a 5 km asphalt road leads back to Pietrasanta.

  • CYCLING ROUTE 5:Forte dei Marmi – Passo del Vestito – Massa – Forte dei Marmi

Starting from Forte dei Marmi, head towards the village of Ruosina (100 meters above sea level). From there, ascend to Levigliani (582 meters above sea level). Continuing on the provincial road towards Arni, proceed to the Cipollaio tunnel, 1 km long, dark, and narrow. Upon reaching Arni (916 meters above sea level), you are in Garfagnana. After Arni and before reaching Passo del Vestito, you are halfway through the route (approximately 40 km).

After passing through the Passo del Vestito tunnel, there is a 20 km descent from 1000 meters altitude to sea level, passing through the Pian della Fioba area where there is a refuge (with dining and accommodation options) and the botanical garden of the Apuan Alps. Then through the villages of Antona and Altagnana (known for excellent bread, focaccia, and lard) until reaching the plains in the city of Massa. From there, head towards the sea for 4 km to Marina di Massa, and return to Forte dei Marmi after 10 km on the cycle path.

Check out our special offer for cyclists who want to stay in Versilia or contact us by phone at +39 0584.745806 or by email at info@hotelvillabarsanti.it.

Posted in Versilia
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